Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The Lord recently provided opportunities so that the love and fire could be imparted to the region of New England. After soaking under the healing outpouring that has been taking place in Lakeland, Diane Valerien of My Fatherʼs House Ministries received invitations to go and impart that revival fire. Our week long trip included ministering to the Body of Christ in the states of Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. My Fatherʼs House is based out of Lakeland, Florida. Below is a recap of how God moved within the meetings.

Whether we were in Vermont, Massachusetts or Rhode Island, the message was the same, HUNGER and DESPERATION! The Lord revealed that in order for New England to experience an outpouring such as the one in Lakeland, that New England has got to be hungry. This outpouring of His presence are for those who hunger, seek and thirst after Him.
Within all three states Diane shared her testimony about Lakeland, Florida. The message that went forth was on the subject of obedience and how it applies to Godʼs blessing. As we are obedient to hear Godʼs voice and do as He directs then He will bless us.

About one year ago the ministry was on a forty day fast and during this time of fasting, Diane had received a vision from God. The vision was on the location of Lakeland. Diane had flown to the area where she sought the Lord and heard Him tell her that she was to go back home to Rhode Island and sell all that she had and that she was to move to Lakeland. She had no idea why God was telling her to do all of this. In the process she gave up her house, family and church where she pastored. But much blessing came not only to Diane but also to those around her through this one act of obedience.

Within a year revival ended up happening within Lakeland. The city has been experiencing a great outpouring of Godʼs Spirit and many are being drawn. The Lord told Diane that He would bring a husband to her within Lakeland and now she is engaged to be married! God is so faithful to us. He had also promised that He would restore the dream of ministering to the Body of Christ and the ministry is now traveling and bringing the message of revival to the hungry.


For the people who attended these meetings the Lord was bringing to our attention the broken vessels. How many of the people had gone through such hardship and utter brokenness. But these are the ones that are qualified and who will be used by God. Diane had mentioned that this outpouring just wasnʼt about signs, miracles and wonders but that it was also about the broken vessels of the Lord too. People within the meeting all had a story to share of some kind of hardship but they were also brought to a place of hunger and desperation. A place where they were more intimately acquainted with Jesus. It is wonderful to see the work of maturity that God has formed in His saints. That He allows us to know Him in His sufferings but that we may also share in the glory.

During our time of ministry unto this Body of Christ we went with the flow of the Holy Spirit and Jesus would minister to each vessel. We also prayed for anyone with tumors or cancer and asked Jesus to heal all! His presence came and many were touched by Jesus and enjoyed His fire and love. Our prayer is that the Pastors and leaders of each group would remain in revival and never turn back to the old again.

As I was writing this report on what took place during the meetings the Lord had given me the song that I am putting below. In reading this song and listening to Dianeʼs testimony I am reminded of Abraham and his journey. We may be asked to lay down our Isaacs, a precious promise that we know is from Him but God is a good Father who does restore. Let this entire report be a blessing and bring you to another level of faith and trust in your Heavenly King and Father.

My Fatherʼs House Ministries,
Sherry Resendes
Ministry Secretary

You can spend your whole life building Something from nothingOne storm can come and blow it all away Build it anyway. You can chase a dream That seems so out of reach And you know it might not ever come your way Dream it anyway. God is great But sometimes life ain't good And when I pray It doesn't always turn out like I think it should But I do it anyway I do it anyway. This world's gone crazy It's hard to believe That tomorrow will be better than today Believe it anyway. You can love someone with all your heart For all the right reasons In a moment they can choose to walk away Love 'em anyway. God is great But sometimes life ain't good And when I pray It doesn't always turn out like I think it should But I do it anyway. Yea - I do it anyway. You can pour your soul out singing. A song you believe in That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang. Sing it anyway, Yea, sing it anywayYeah, yeah!
I sing I dream I love anyway

By Martina McBride